A long time ago, on posts written a long time ago, I have mentioned the garbage in this city.
So, it shouldn't surprise you that I'm going to talk about garbage again.
So, it shouldn't surprise you that I'm going to talk about garbage again.
I'm not obsessed with the garbage situation in this city, it's just that the garbage is just really, really easy to notice because it is everywhere.
Here are some examples...
Okay, that's it for the garbage.
I'm not the cynical one in the family (we will leave that identity up to your imagination).
There are approximately 19 million people who live in New York City.
Of course, there is going to be garbage, and a lot of it. I am acutely aware that you do what you have to do to get your garbage picked up. It means that bags and bags of garbage sit stacked on the sidewalks until the sanitation workers load it by hand into the back of the truck.
I really do not know, but every day seems like garbage day.
But this city isn't just about the garbage sitting all over the place.
Garbage is a fact of life.
If you exist, you generate garbage.
There are different smells in this town besides the lovely smells of trash.
Cue the flowers.
Almost everywhere you look, just like the garbage, there are flowers on every block and on almost every corner.
This is a community garden that sits in Liberty Park.
It is truly amazing to see tomatoes, apples, herbs, and every type of flower, sitting in the shadow of the Freedom Tower.
On 28th, the street is lined with flowers and greenery of every kind. Had I done my research before writing this I could tell you if this was the Flower District, but I didn't, so I can't.
I just know there are flowers everywhere.
There are hydrangeas all over this town.
There are even blurry hydrangeas.
The flowers just gone on and on....
I understand, as long as we are on the earth there will be garbage.
It is extremely nice to know that there will always be flowers to make the world not only look beautiful, but smell better too.
Yes, there's a pineapple on the top of this flower filled pedestal.
I will try to stop taking pictures of the garbage.
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