Observations From A Bicoastal Family

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I think each of us, at one time or another, has had a brilliant idea.  And, at the time, that brilliant idea truly seemed great.  Like no other idea we've ever had

We have lived here for almost two months.  We've seen some weird things. 
Weird things that were once someone's brilliant ideas.

Take these powerlines for example.  At first examination there is nothing special about them.

Take a closer look.  Someone decided that this space was perfect for their garden.
Really?  A garden.  Do you really want to eat the fruits and vegetables that come out of this garden?
Powerlines and cancer.  Not the best idea I've ever seen.

It's a dilemma trying to find the perfect spot for the kids to play. 
Does the green space under the powerlines look like the perfect spot for children to be playing?

Take a closer look.

Yes, someone thinks that a really cool swingset belongs underneath these powerlines.
Powerlines and cancer. 

I'm just saying, some of our ideas really are brilliant and some of our ideas not so much.


Nicki said...

Which came first though? The garden and the playground or the powerlines? Cause if the garden and the playground were there first, that changes everything.

Scott and Denise said...

Ha ha ha... Ya these definitely came after the power lines! These aren't the only play yards and gardens we've seen. It's just very strange!