Observations From A Bicoastal Family

Monday, July 19, 2010

So This is What a Date Looks Like

One of the draw backs from living bicoastal is the lack of dates in our lives.  There are those couples that have their regular Friday night "Date Night" and then there's us.  We have a sort of regular "See you when the plane lands night" or the "You are on California time and I'm on New York time night," I'll talk to you tomorrow when we are both awake at the same time.  It's a little ridiculous and it gets old.  So, you can understand my excitement when I say that Scott and I had a real date.  And the date was in New York City.

The date began with a train ride into Penn Station.  The train ride was pretty entertaining.  About ten minutes into the trip I hear this oddly familiar laughing and talking.  It takes me a second but I realize that it sounds exactly like the character who played Chandler's girlfriend on "Friends."  After updating my Facebook with this funny incident I am helped out with her name: Janice? Is that you on my train? 

When the ride is over I have no idea where to go so I just follow everyone and act like I know what I'm doing.  I knew this night was going to be good as soon as I look up after getting on the narrow escalator to see the side of a woman's polo shirt sleeve.  The white embroidery read: Dunder Mifflin Paper Company.  Again, I laugh.  I think I may have even laughed a little out loud.  I need to find Scott and share my laugh with him.

Scott and I find each other and we head to the subway.  I should just mention here that it's at this moment when we have a conversation about how the subway is a lot better smelling and breathable in November than it is in July.  When you round a corner to the platform the feeling of being in someone's armpit hits you.  There is no denying that this is the armpit of someone who has just worked out.

We ride the subway to Lincoln Center.  I've been to this stop before but I've never been to Lincoln Center, so this is exciting!

It's Restaurant Week in New York City so we need to partake of some good food.  This date is in celebration of our anniversary.  The night before we were married our two family's went out to Chinese food together. I'm sure the food tasted like no other Chinese food we had ever had because we were happily in-love and about to be married.  It was some good Chinese food.  I'm digressing.  Back to the date. 
 Just around the corner from the temple and the Lincoln Center is Shun Lee's.
 A Chinese restaurant that was packed with people who I'm sure some of which were in-love.

After we had the perfect dessert, a beautiful sliver of a pineapple cut into bite sized pieces, we headed over to the Lincoln Center.  I've seen it many times on television and in the movies but it's really amazing to be there in person.  It's a bit on the magical side of things.

We were about to see Sting and the Royal Philharmonic and I was pretty stoked.  A couple of months ago I received a "concert call" from this concert in California.  In fact, I got a couple of phone calls that night and I was even stoked about hearing it through the phone!

I should note that Scott isn't a huge Sting fan but he did say he's glad I am.  I won't go on and on here about Sting and his voice but I will say that Sting is a guy who has taken care of himself. 
 The concert was magical.

One funny comment that we over heard during the intermission was from one of the center's directors.  He was having a conversation with a guy who was trying to get him as a business contact or something businessy.  The director made a comment like, "I know what you'd be getting from me, but what would you be doing for me?"  The conversation ended quickly with the director saying, "What I can say is that it's so nice to look around and see so many people out tonight, during the middle of the week, enjoying the opera!"

Um... dude.  This is not the opera.

I'm sort of not secretly in-love with him.
Scott knows all about it.

After a fourth or fifth encore we headed away from the Magical Dateland back to Penn Station.  You know, the place I didn't want to ever be in after 11 o'clock at night?

Well, it was a lot better on this night than it was on the Fourth of July.  I couldn't resist taking a picture of the Express sign and the slew of people underneath it....

Dates in California require a lot less traveling and a lot less people mingling. 
But, I would "Ground Hog Day" this date anytime.


Tera said...

So fun and exciting! So Sting takes care of himself like Bon Jovi does? Or better?
I guess you have your Sting and Scott can have his Madonna and Lady Gaga, right? I would take Sting any day of the week :) And how come I didn't get a concert call?

Melanie said...

Wow, when you guys have a date you do it right. (Even if it wasn't the opera!)

Miss Heather said...

I'm with Tera. Bon Jovi is my not-so-secret crush and he has taken care of himself VERY well. I agree Sting has too for sure. (I love Sting as well!!!)

Your date sounds like it was AMAZING!! But anyone who thinks Sting and the Opera are the same thing knows absolutely NOTHING... :) I'm glad you guys are spending time together this summer. :)

Scott and Denise said...

I definitely should have concert called more people! I called a couple of my family members and then I just was in concertland. Sting is definitely a great older guy with a lovely wife and six, I assume, beautiful children. He's selling he's duplex on 88th street and Central Park West... I wonder where he's going to be spending more of his time?

I've never seen an orchestra be so active, moving back and forth in their chairs, in a concert before. It was very cool!

Jenny said...

Wow! You must be making up for all the date nights you've missed. What an incredible night! I'm jealous because I love Sting! His voice is amazing!